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Work as a team to keep Scoil Chormaic clean!

Green School Information 

Working Together For a Sustainable Future 


What is ‘The Green Schools’? 

Green-Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and education programme for schools. The Green-Schools is a student-led programme within a school with involvement from the wider community. The programme is operated and co-ordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce (FEE member for Ireland) and is delivered in our school with the co-operation of Tipperary County Council and Partnerships. Every theme in the Green School’s programme is approached and developed over two years. Themes are linked to many subject areas of the school curriculum. 


What are The Green Schools themes? 

The themes are divided into the following: 

1. Litter and Waste 

2. Water 

3. Energy

4. Travel 

5. Bio-Diversity 

6. Global Citizenship


What are the steps to being awarded a Green Schools Flag? 

The 6 steps are: 

1. Forming a Committee of Students. 

2. An Environmental Review within the school. 

3. Devise an Action Plan to further develop awareness of this theme. 

4. Follow the Action Plan, community based. 

5. Monitoring Progress within the community. 

6. Evaluating all information. 


Green Schools Flag 

We have begun our first year of the Travel flag, (2023-2025). We continue with our themes completed; Water and Litter & Waste throughout which we will also renew when applying for out Travel flag. 


A new committee was set up in September 2023. We meet on a regular basis to create, discuss and implement our ideas on our new theme Travel along with both Litter & Waste and Water themes. Our committee is looking forward to the year ahead, to keep our school an environmentally friendly green school. 


Pupil Committee Members: C. Larkin, L. Burke, C. Moriarty, C. Kennedy, D. Duggan, A. O’Dwyer, R. Bracken, B. McCormack, H. McCarthy, J. Delaney, A. Dunne, J. Moore, S. Flemming, W. Briody, F. Cummins. 


Staff Committee Members: Ms. Cummins, Ms. S.O’Brien, C. O’Dwyer, C. Keyes, J. Joy.

April 2024 - RTE News2day

Our Green School Travel Code

A competition was held for all students to be in with the opportunity to create the school’s greencode. The entries were to a high standard. The committee chose the overall winners. Well done toall!

1st place: A. Mullins. Ms. C. O’Brien’s class.

2nd place: C. Boyle. Mr Doran.

3rd place: Adele Dunne. Ms. So. O’BrienBest artwork: Ryan Ayleward. Mr Doran.

Our No-Idling Campaign

Our committee have been dedicated to reducing our school transport emissions by reducing engine idling. As a result, this will support our environment, health, money saving and safety.


Please read the toolkit attached below with lots of valuable information and interesting facts versus fiction.


We carried out a survey in November 2023 and 25/30 school transport were idling. In April 2024 our survey showed a huge reduction, to now, 7/30 school transport idling. Please see our results below.


We hope to reduce this to 0/30 by next year.

January 2024

November 2023

WEEE want your used batteries to recycle.Recycling batteries can contribute to our school’s sustainable development goals to prevent climate change and help contribute to the circular economy by giving batteries a new life. We hope to fill 10 boxes by March 2024 to be in with a chance to win a €2000 sports equipment voucher for our school! Please send in your used batteries any day, week or month

Green School Travel Action Day March 2024



We will encourage, educate and practice reducing our water usage. While we work on our water theme, we will also be continuing on our works of reducing, re-using and recycling our litter and waste.

Green School Board

Our Green School board keeps our school community updated throughout the year.

Action Day of 2022/2023

We carried out our second Action Day of 2022/2023 in May. It was a great success and between the two Action Days, we raised €539.55 for Trócaire. This will go to families who do not have access to clean water. The Green School committee have worked very hard throughout this school year. We are delighted to receive our second Green School flag for Scoil Chormaic.

Scoil Chormaic’s Green School Action Day was held on the 23rd February.

Each committee member created their stall under the theme of water or litter and waste. At the exhibition in the hall, each committee member showcased their project to raise awareness and knowledge. We asked each pupil and staff for a donation to Trócaire which will go to people who are suffering from drought or in need of clean water.

Our school is hoping to achieve our water flag this year.


Check our compilation video we have made of the day.

Our Water Green School Code winner is James Daly in Ms. O’Doherty’s class.

All pupils were invited to enter and the committee voted on the winner.

This will be our code for the next two years.

Well done James!

February 2022

SEAI Water Workshop:

The workshop was directly linked to the curricula and was a great way to inform and involve pupils in ways to save water, bring about awareness and help our school to achieve the Green Flag award. The workshop involved inquiry-based learning through experiments, videos, games and talks.