Our School aims to provide a happy and secure learning environment for our whole school community.
We believe it is important:
For the happiness and smooth running of our school that we foster positive caring attitudes to one another and the environment.
To acknowledge that each and every person who comes and joins our Community in Scoil Chormaic has a personal part to play and that each person’s talents will be valued and enjoyed.
To support each person who needs help and encouragement nurturing the self-esteem of all.
To listen with care to the views and opinions of one another and value them.
That we respond in a polite and thoughtful manner to each other.
That we fulfill our responsibilities whether as pupil, teacher, principal, special needs assistant, nurse, secretary, cook, kitchen /catering staff or any other staff member with regard to: – punctuality – completing tasks to the best of our ability – taking responsibility for our school building and equipment. – co-operation with other school members. – uphold the school ethos at all times